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Rainbow colors up Music Core with their debut stage

After all the sweet teasing and the release of their debut single Gossip Girl, the seven lovely and colorful ladies of Rainbow make their debut on today's Music Core stage!

This is usually the part where I would add some snarky comment involving the words "color vomit," but for once I'm biting my tongue; the ladies are looking way too hot for me to say such things! They had just released their MV and their mini album more recently, and netizens are beginning to take notice of this hot hot group of ladies! DSP surely outdid themselves by putting together a sexy set of seven, don't you think?

Yesterday marked fellow DSP Media family members', SS501, first win on a music show and with Kara's comeback pushed further back, can Rainbow continue the company's success streak?

Remember to check out our friends at Prismatic 7 Forums for everything and anything Rainbow!

Many thanks to bwmow3 for video.


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